6 Ways to Reuse Waste Mushroom Bags

Release Time: 2024-09-09

Black fungus waste fungus bags can be reused and turned into valuables, such as fuel, base materials, fertilizers, etc. This article introduces in detail six processing methods of black fungus waste fungus bags.
1. The waste fungi bags are accumulated and dried, and then used as heating fuel for the next production season of fungi bags. This is a common practice among fungus farmers in the main black fungus producing areas in Northeast China.
2. Centrally recycle the black fungus waste fungus bags, and then use the bag removal machine to separate the bags. Plastics are recycled and reused. The waste fungi bags are unpacked and crushed, then stacked together for fermentation for 15-21 days. The fermented fungi bag waste becomes organic fertilizer and is directly applied to the soil to increase soil fertility and soil porosity, improve soil properties, and improve the soil’s ability to retain water and moisture.
3. Some fungus growers dry and crush the waste fungus bags that have not decayed, and then add 30% of the waste to new cultivation materials for secondary cultivation of edible fungi such as black fungus or shiitake mushrooms.
4. Naturally dry the black fungus waste fungus bags and squeeze them into carbon rods, which can be used as barbecue or city heating fuel. At present, some carbon rod processing companies have used black fungus waste mushroom bags to process carbon rods locally.
5. Appropriately add the black fungus waste fungus package to the nutrient bowl for vegetable seedlings produced from peat. At present, there are no large enterprises engaged in production and processing, and only some black fungus bag factories are conducting small-scale production trials.
6. Use petroleum cracking equipment to crack the black fungus waste fungus packets into wood acetic acid and carbon powder (carbon rods). Wood acetic acid can be used as an acid regulator in saline-alkali land. Carbon powder (carbon rods) is sold to local heating companies as fuel. This cracking technology can process various waste fungi bags.




